Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why you don't open your door to strangers in Kazakhstan...
Because if you do, you might end up with a garbage bag full of strawberries!!!! Ha ha ha...
This lady came to the door while Rusty was out. I know less Russian then he does and I tried to explain I had NO TENGE. I told her to come back at 5pm....hoping maybe she would not...well SHE DID. On her earlier visit she had written down that the strawberries were 3000 Tenge - that is like $20 US. On her next visit she wrote down the figure 5000 TENGE! That is like $33.33!!!! We tried to tell her we didn't want the whole bucket...she did not understand...she kept motioning for us to find a bucket, or a big bowl. We could not come up with anything...until we found the trash bags. So end result, we got the strawberry lady to go away...but not without giving her 5000 Tenge and being handed a bagful of berries. Oh they are really yummy and we've since been told that that is a fair price but let me tell you, the door to door sales people are even more aggressive than in the US and try saying NO when you don't speak their language. Hard to say the least and we all know that I am the world's biggest sucker.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your berries. I thought this story was hilarious! I loved the story about Murat and the pot as well! He is a silly little boy, and so serious when reading the spider man book!

I miss you HxC!!!!
Come back soon and bring the little russian boy!!

---Love Amber!!!

Kelly Simms said...

That sounds like the Temple I know well! That is hilarious!

Gayle said...

Too funny!!!